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Open Air - fritz x KEMA

Open Air - fritz x KEMA
Open Air - fritz x KEMA


09. Sep. 2023, 17:00 – 22:00

Innere Stadt, Neuer Pl. 8, 9020 Innere Stadt, Österreich


fritz x KEMA Open Air

OpenAir ticket 13€ (without club entry) OpenAir + Club ticket 20€

Only 140 tickets available, so better be fast!

First we dance and enjoy the last summer sun during a late afternoon open air (17-22h) in a beautiful 19th-century courtyard. We toast to good summer memories with sparkly prosecco and listen to Izza’s fine vinyl selection alongside the 3 Kema residents. We heard @__izzaizza__ play at Butik festival this summer in Slovenia and were really impressed, so we decided to bring some of these vibes to Klagenfurt. As the night settles, we move to @fritzclub_official (ex Imsuedenclub) and continue our celebration indoors from 23-04 Exact timetable and more info will follow soon.

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